Broadband Internet Survey

The Windham Regional Commission (WRC) is conducting a study to determine the feasibility of implementing a broadband internet fiber to home network in the underserved and unserved regions of southern Vermont.  The first step this study is a survey to determine the needs of our community. A fuller description of this project is available on the WRC’s website page  This is an important opportunity to bring high performance internet service to the parts our town that is currently underserved and it is important that this project is brought to everyone’s attention. Attached are flyers and a single page description of this project.  Would you be so good as to post the flyers in a prominent place, cutting the red dotted lines on the flyer with tear-off tabs with the URL for the survey.  The survey may be taken on line using the library’s computer going to the above URL and clicking the on line survey button or downloading the paper version with the other button.  Thank you very much for your help.