The Jamaica Transfer Station is located at 141 Castle Hill Rd. Jamaica, VT  and is available to all Jamaica residents. Our Transfer Station Attendant is Ernie Holder.

Transfer Station phone number: 802-874-7171

Permits are required and available at the town office. Permits expire Sept 30th – new stickers are available around August each year.

Jamaica Transfer Station

*Jamaica bags must be used for all household trash (non-recycling). Bags are available to purchase at the Jamaica Town Office, West River Provisions and the Rawsonville Market.
Green bags (15 gal) $2.50 each, $25.00 for a roll of 10.
Yellow bags (33 gal) $3.50 each, $35.00 for a roll of 10.

For more information on what can be taken to the Transfer Station, please read the following from Windham Solid Waste:



Click for most recent recycling guidelines

Casella’s FoodWaste-Meat-Poster

Free E-Waste Disposal location for TVs, computers, peripherals, & printers.
Check out our new Swap Shop! Click the link for the rules and procedures

The Transfer Station is closed for Christmas, New Years, Easter and Thanksgiving.
Monday: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 2pm – 6 pm
Friday: 9 am – 5 pm
Saturday: 9 am – 5 pm
Sunday: 1 pm – 5 pm