Property is assessed at the municipal local level in Vermont. Real property is listed to the April 1 owner of record. Listers are charged with determining the appraisal value of property.

The Selectboard sets a tax rate or rates to raise money for highways and other necessary municipal expenses. There are also provisions for the levying of taxes in villages and fire districts.

For the purposes of education funding, all real property is classified as either homestead or non-residential. A statewide education tax is imposed on these two classes of property at different rates. The basis for this classification is the Homestead Declaration. Any property that is not a homestead is non-residential property.

The Homestead Education Tax Rate in each municipality depends upon the local per pupil spending. Both the homestead and non-residential education tax rates are adjusted by the local common level of appraisal. Each town will receive notice on or about June 30 of the education rates to be levied.

Taxes are due the first business day in October.

The 2023 tax rate is:

  • Residential  2.7991
  • Non-Residential  2.408

The Listers are elected during Town Meeting or appointed by the Selectboard upon the recommendation of the listers and serve for a specified term. Your Listers are:

  • Karen Ameden-chair
  • Pat Meulemans

Wednesday 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. or by appointment. 

Phone: 874-4908

Detailed Property Data card:

Property Maps are available at:

Grievance Warning 2024

Application for Grievance 2024

Click this link for helpful information about the Tax Assessment Appeal process: