Jamaica Selectboard Meeting
July 10th 2017
7:00pm, Jamaica Town Office
Selectboard: Paul Fraser (chair), Andy Coyne, Lexa Clark, Judith Flower, Joel Bluming
Public: Veda Bassett, Rebecca Ohm, Allen Monroe, Joel Katz, Karen Ameden, Kristie Ameden, April Green (minutes), Rich Melanson from BCTV
Paul Fraser called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.
Additions to the Agenda:
Judith Flower added a discussion on the preservation of the Historical Town Hall building and making a committee.
Changes for the Minutes of the June 26th meeting.
On the third page in the first paragraph, last sentence, the sentence should read They recieve a donation of $1050 a year for them to cover part of Jamaica.
On the same page in the second paragraph the first sentence should read, Drew Hazelton the Chief of Operations of Rescue Inc. spoke next.
On the same page in the fourth paragracph the last sentence should end after elected.
Under all the motions the yes votes should be deleted.
Motion: Joel Bluming motioned to accept the changes for the minutes of the June 26th Selectboard meeting.
Second: Judith Flower.
1 abstained and 3 yes.
Motion passed.
Changes to minutes for Special Selectboard Meeting held on June 30th.
On the first page in the second paragraph, third sentence, the beginning of the sentence should read, After much debate,.
On the first page in the second paragraph before the sentence that starts with Further discussion ensued, this sentence should be placed. The chair rejected the motion as out of line since the agenda item was only to establish guidelines not discuss specific cases and only warnd items could be acted upon during special meetings.
Motion: Paul Fraser motioned to accept the changes of the Special Selectboard Meeting on June 30th.
Second: Alexa Clark.
3 votes yes 2 votes no.
Motion Passed.
Approve time sheets for: town office, listers, highway, and transfer station.
Paul Fraser states this will be done at the end of the session.
Sign Selectboard orders.
Paul Fraser states this will be done at the end of the session.
Discuss, new carpeting for the Town Office and Lister’s Office.
Alexa Clark spoke about the only bid that has been received for the new carpeting. The bid was from Lawton Flooring. The total cost would be around $5000 to do the entire job. The office would be $2183.59, the lobby $1170.37, the lister’s office $1038.3 and the entry way $791.00. Judith Flower asked where the money would come from for the carpeting and Alexa Clark stated that there is money in a building or maitenance fund that she would get the information from Terry. Most board members would like to get more quotes before making a final desicion and exploring more companies further out geographically.
Discuss, and possibly approve, a Town Conflict of Interest Policy.
Paul Fraser spoke of a letter send by Paul Guillis to adopt a conflict of interest policy for the town. Paul Fraser received a policy from VCLT that the town could adopt. Judith Flower explained that in 2020 all municiple bodies will need to adopt a conflict of interest policy but there are specific guidlines and suggested that this policy be sent to the town lawyer to compare it to those guidelines so a new one wouldn’t have to be made in 2020. Andy Coyne did not want to sign right away. Joel Bluming would like the town lawyer to go over the policy that was suggested line for line. Alexa Clark would like to compare the policy with what is already in the town’s charter and go over it with the lawyer. Paul Fraser stated the concensus of the board was to send the policy to the lawyer and compare it to the excisting charter and have him look at the language for the 2020 guidelines.
Correct the action taken at the Special Meeting regarding the individual gift approved from the Muzzy Fund.
Paul Fraser’s stated that if the an item is not warned on the agenda than it can not be voted on at that meeting according to the letter from the town’s lawyer. He suggested that the issue be brought up again at another meeting so that it can be warned and voted on properly. Joel Bluming started to read a statement. Paul would not allow him to because it was not part of the agenda.
Paul Fraser moved on to the next item on the agenda.
Request from property owner’s attorny for assistance with a real estate issue regarding the Rybolt poperty at 30 Water St.
The Rybolt’s attorney sent the town a letter to change the abaitment of taxes that happened in 2012. Paul Fraser stated that she would have to write a letter to the abaitment board to get the issue resovled because the town board cannot make that desision. The Rybolt’s lost their septic in Irene and was able to abait his taxes. Since then he fixed the septic and is trying to sell it but cannot because no one can get a mortgage on it if the house is still listed with no septic. Joel Bluming informed the board that the reason he abaited the taxes because the constuction company that was fixing the bridge prevented him from using his house. Karen Ameden and Alexa CLark suggested that Paul Fraser send an email to the Rybolt’s explaining what they have to do next.
Discuss payment of Selectbaord members’ fees for courses.
Joel Bluming asked if there was a specific process that he or other board members have to go through to request money to take a course. Joel Bluming would like to see something in writing. Alexa Clark explained that it is not in writing but what has happened in the past the board would get notices in the mail about the conferences and the members would talk about who would like to attend but now with everything being electronic they can be bypassed.
Alexa Clark made a motion to adopt a policy that no member of the board will make any binding finaincal desicion with out a vote of the majority of the board made at a dually warned meeting without express authority of the board.
Second: Joel Bluming.
More discussion with Alexa Clark and she said that if a conference came up the girls in the office would write a check and send it to the conference. Andy Coyne talked about his experience while on the board and explained that he has been reimbursed for miles and he believed that he does not need anything in writing. Paul Fraser read the Procurement policy and refers to insidental purchases, these are purchases that are less then $500. After a bit of discussion and confusion on who decides if someone can go to a conference or not, the conclusion was that the idea is just discussed with the rest of the board. Paul Fraser said that Alexa Clark’s motion will over ride what is already stated in this policy. Alexa CLark withdrew her motion.
Additions to the Agenda
Judith Flower spoke about the historical preservation society had a visit to the town hall building and that there are many things that need to be done with the building. Gutters need to be cleaned, weeding, painting in the back and slate. The town needs to set up a council of three people to monitor the preservation of the the town building and bring concerns to the board.
Finish discussing agenda item #7 The Muzzy Fund
Alexa Clark discussed the guidelines that were laid out in the last meeting for applying for the Muzzy Fund and metioned creating a three person committee to help facilitate people who wish to apply for the Muzzy Fund. The three people who she has asked are Nannette Loreena, Bonnie West and Steve Clark. The town laywer will have to look over the guidelines.
Public Concerns
Veda Bassett reminds the board that the palnning commision is working hard and at the next meeting they would like to be on the agenda to discuss a section.
Karen Ameden believed that the board should be able to just make a decision on the person applying for the Muzzy Fund.
Joel Bluming spoke of the weeds on the side of the roads and the wild Parsnip is toxic to people. Paul Fraser explained that the board is trying to get a bit for mowing to do the roads. Joel Bluming spoke about the transportation meeting he attended and Erica Roper will be coming to Jamaica to talk about funding to fix the metal bridge by the State Park. Joel Bluming also suggested that the town contact the Army Corp of Engineers because they will have to build a temporary bridge to fix the dam so why not have them fix ours and they can use it.
Alexa Clark motioned to go into executive session for information for the up coming decision on the Muzzy Fund.
Second: Joel Bluming.
5 yes.
Motion Passed.
Regular meeting ended at 8:50 pm and executive session started at 9:00 pm and the executive session ended at 9:26 pm
Meeting adjourned 9:26pm